Thinking in Multi Dimensions

It’s been a while since I’ve written something here. I joined Facebook back in Nov 2021 and since then I’ve been away from the Python/Linux/SRE domain and got deeper in facebook specific problems related to capacity management. The work involves full stack php-JS-React-GraphQL, the standard Facebook stack. While I am learning a lot of new things, I did not come across anything worth sharing here. Why thinking in multi dimension? 2023 was the rise of LLMs....

April 27, 2024 · 6 min · Sanket

SRECon'21: Leveraging ML to Detect Application HotSpots [@scale, of Course!]

Long pandemic no see! I submitted two proposals for SRECon 20 Asia which was supposed to happen in Australia. One talk got selected. But instead of the conference, COVID-19 happened. The conference was delayed at first and ultimately cancelled. Comes 2021 and now the conference is arranged in virtual format. I submit the selected talk again, under MLOps section and it got selected again. The talk describes the approach to detect application hotspots our team developed in collaboration with the ML team....

October 13, 2021 · 1 min · Sanket