Serverless Meets CI/CD

I have been attending LSPE [Large Scale Production Engineering] Meetup for last two years. And for the last one, I decided to give it back to the community. I conducted a hands-on session titled: Serverless meets CI/CD The session briefly introduced what is Serverless and CD/CD and why should you be concerned about it. We then went hands-on with AWS Lambda as serverless platform and Bitbucket Pipelines for CI/CD. Started from making a Hello World!...

December 10, 2018 · 1 min · Sanket

Encrypt Existing AWS RDS : The GDPR Series

Last, and the most dreaded, comes the MySQL RDS. The most critical part of infrastructure which is responsible for auth, new sign-ups and other user related activities. The task was dreaded because there is no way to enable encryption once RDS has been created and most ways, which we will discuss, incurred downtime. The Task Encrypt existing MySQL RDS, which is also multi AZ, with near-zero downtime. The RDS instance we had was a MySQL one which is also multi AZ....

September 30, 2018 · 6 min · Sanket

Encrypt Existing S3 Bucket : The GDPR Series

So next in line was S3 bucket. This too did not have encryption enabled, ie: data encryption at rest. The Task Encrypt existing S3 bucket which contains user data with zero downtime. A word on encrypted S3 objects/buckets: By default there is no encryption involved when you create or put objects in an S3 bucket. However, you can enable default encryption on a bucket and any object put in the bucket will be encrypted by default....

September 23, 2018 · 3 min · Sanket

Encrypting Existing AWS EBS : The GDPR Series

It’s been some time since The GDPR has kicked in. And like every other ops person, I too had to work for compliance related tasks. Three major tasks that I took up, which involved mostly encrypting data at rest, were Encrypting existing EBS Encrypt S3 buckets Encrypt RDS In this GDPR series, I will be sharing my experiences and how did we went on with it. The Task Encrypt EBS that is currently in use by a MongoDB cluster....

August 28, 2018 · 3 min · Sanket

Setting up Inter Region AWS VPC Peering and Latency Tests

Most of our infrastructure and client facing services are in us-east-1 and we have lots of users connecting from different parts of the world including India. Of course there was a significant latency involved when users connect to US from other part of the world. And we wanted to test that, if a user from India connects to Mumbai region(faster handshake) and then that region uses VPC peering to us-east-1 to talk to other services....

December 14, 2017 · 3 min · Sanket

Resize EBS Root Volume of CentOS 6 AMI

So the other day I had to create a CentOS 6 AMI for HDP installation as it had Hue package available only for CentOS 6. I launched an instance with EBS attached of 10 GB with CentOS 6. Went on to create AMI out of it with EBS size of 100GB. These all went good and I proceed with launching instances for HDP cluster (12 was the number of instances). Everything went good and installation was complete....

February 28, 2017 · 2 min · Sanket