I have been attending LSPE [Large Scale Production Engineering] Meetup for last two years. And for the last one, I decided to give it back to the community. I conducted a hands-on session titled:

Serverless meets CI/CD

The session briefly introduced what is Serverless and CD/CD and why should you be concerned about it. We then went hands-on with AWS Lambda as serverless platform and Bitbucket Pipelines for CI/CD. Started from making a Hello World! flask app and using zappa we deployed it on AWS Lambda. Then introduced Bitbucket Pipelines and using it, we enabled CI/CD. So what we achieved in the end was the fully automated pipeline that would deploy the flask app to AWS Lambda with just a commit in Bitbucket repo.

Attaching a Wiki/HowTo step-by-step guide as well here along with slides.

Couple of images :)

LSPE Image 2

LSPE Image 1