Setting up Inter Region AWS VPC Peering and Latency Tests

Most of our infrastructure and client facing services are in us-east-1 and we have lots of users connecting from different parts of the world including India. Of course there was a significant latency involved when users connect to US from other part of the world. And we wanted to test that, if a user from India connects to Mumbai region(faster handshake) and then that region uses VPC peering to us-east-1 to talk to other services....

December 14, 2017 · 3 min · Sanket

TCP Fast Open: In Action with Python

Recently I was revisiting concepts of TCP protocol and that reminded me that there was also a thing called TCP Fast Open. Digging further on the same revealed a lot. We will briefly discuss how this enhancement works. What are the limitations. And later we will do the hands on and see how the TCP Fast Open drastically reduces the load time. What is TCP Fast Open? TCP Fast Open is an optimization over TCP which eliminates the need to wait for 3 way handshake before application can send data over it....

November 8, 2017 · 4 min · Sanket